InputArts | MOVE

Move Kopie

© Juan Muñoz, creator of MUNDO REDONDO Planet earth – our world – has specific and finite conditions. But our infinite thinking and creativity has distanced us from recognising ourselves as an indivisible part of this – our unique habitat…

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Drawing diary | 2020

Grundlayout 6

The Unnameable Primordial Simplicity ORIENTATE IN THE INFINITE The graphic works of Gustavo Mendez-Liska provide insight into the deep-seated need within us to divide and reassemble surfaces, or much more generally, what we can experience. From this comes understanding: first…

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House of Ludgo wishes


The LUDGO house is a building with a special characteristic in its constructive structurederived from its function as a flour mill, which demanded in its architectural planning theconnection between its levels through holes, through which the grain, machinery orcontainers that…

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Tectonic Experiences II

G:marcoproyectosvienagustavo Mendezlisboa Museolisboa Muse

The Tectonic experiences and the experience of the tectonics were thought for this room, the Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry. The exhibition is constructed horizontally and vertically creating a movement that suggests tensions on the surface of the laboratory floor with…

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Slabby walls | Falling


The fugue as an element of refuge, hole, emptiness, escape, hidden wall, green border,I try to make the contours visible to keep the balance, as a gestalt, foreigner, stranger… imitating what passes around me, momentary recordings into my everyday life,…

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In the work it is not enough just to demonstrate through cut-outs, superimpositions, lines and black masses that invade the pictorial space, but we can also feel, visualise, penetrate this world of plots and locks that Gustavo presents us with.

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