For the Bratislava Café with Love, Gustavo Mendez-Liska brings to Bruno from Vienna his series of works on paper and wood, which he has called Wiener Schmankerln.
His thematisation of the pleasant but kitschy petit-bourgeois elements in the taste of Austrian inhabitants of the nearby metropolis remains amiable and it is influenced by 27 years of experience the originally Venezuelan artist.
As a former worker in gastronomy and the carpenter, Gustavo shows you with pleasure a typical colour of the Viennese credenza. He goes on to explain the origins and possible interpretations of the forms that appear in his works, which are linked to the heritage of neo-concretism. His observations from the restaurant business are not left undiscussed. At the same time, he seeks a new home for his work in Slovakia, where he has surprisingly traced his family roots. Everyone is an immigrant from somewhere.
Text © Miroslava Urbanová