During the tour of the Academy of a group of artists, activists, students, and
of artists, activists, students and workers organise a performative workers organise a performative art(u)ction with the aim of with the aim of raising money to fight the racist
racist Austrian alien laws.
The students affected by them are those who come from so-called third countries, i.e. countries outside the countries outside the European Union.
European societies are permeated by structural mechanisms of exclusion, which are also which can also be found in the field of education.
People who come to Austria from outside the Union to Austria (in order to study) must
have to face strict bureaucratic regulations, such as the proof such as having to prove that they have up to €15000 in their bank account in order to get a visa. In addition to the high costs that the bureaucratic hurdles, many students lose a semester while they
students lose a semester while waiting for their visa applications to be evaluation of their visa applications. Get involved and cooperate with our cause. We need your commitment, your money, your will.
A(u)ction as a tool for undermining structural discrimination
2002 S E IT W IR T
An initiative by Imayna Caceres, Miriam Raggam, Ekoj and Joanna Wilk.
Thanks to Annalisa Cannito, Cain Chui, Christian Diaz-Orejarena, Petja Dimitrova, Ana Paula Franco, Eduard Freudmann, Miltiadis Gerothanasis, Andreas Görg, Can Gülcü, Daria Kirillova, Verena Melgarejo-Weinandt, Georg Pötsch, Richard Reisenberger, Claudia Tomassetti, Michael Walk, and all artists who believe in this project in solidarity.
Special thanks to Seraina Renz, Marina Gržinić and Eva Blimlinger.